
Minutes: Full Council Meeting 17th October 2024

Main Council MeetingsMain Council Minutes Uploaded on November 25, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on:
Thursday, 17th October 2024 at 7pm at Cuxton Library

Present: Cllr Chalker (Chair), Cllr Nightingale (Vice Chair) Cllr, Burley, Cllr Chamberlain, Cllr Vye, Cllr Manning, Cllr Thorley, Cllr Jensen, Cllr Porter, Cllr White and Cllr Wilson.

In attendance: Mrs N Jackson – Clerk
One member of the public was present.

85. Apologies for absence
Ward Cllr Filmer gave his apologies.

86. Declarations of Interest (DPI, conflict of interest and personal interests) and alterations to the Register.
Cllr Porter Item 9
Cllr Nightingale Item 5 & 9
Cllr White Item 6D

87. Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2024 – for approval
Cllr Porter proposed that the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Wilson and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting on 19th September 2024.

88. Matters Arising

Medway Councillor’s Report and Public Session
No Ward Councillor Report received.
The member of the public raised the proposed bottling plant in Gold Street, Cobham, and a discussion was held.

89. Finance
a) Bank Balances
The clerk provided details of the bank balances. Cllr Burley confirmed that he had checked the accounting records against the statements, and all was correct.
Cllr Burley proposed to accept the bank balances for September. This was seconded by Cllr Thorley and agreed by unanimous vote.

b) Approval of payments made since last meeting
The clerk provided details of payments made throughout September. Cllr Thorley proposed that these be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Burley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept the balances and payments for September.
c) Approval of accounts for payment
The clerk presented invoices from Qualitree Services Ltd for tree surgery work in Six Acre Wood totalling £3837.60. Cllr Wilson proposed to pay these. Seconded by Cllr White. A further invoice from KCPFA (playing fields association) for £20 was proposed for payment by Cllr Jensen and seconded by Cllr Chamberlain. Both items agreed by unanimous vote.

d) Consideration of additional tree work quotes
The clerk presented two further quotes from Qualitrees for Ash Dieback felling in Six Acre and Millenium Wood totalling £3223.20. Both items were agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to pay the invoices issued by Qualitree (£3837.60)and KCPFA (£20), and to accept the additional quotes from Qualitree (£3223.20) for further tree work.

90. Planning Applications
a) MC/23/2250 – Ranscombe Farmhouse, Sundridge Hill. Appeal refused – Noted.
b) MC/24/1055 – Springfield – Construction of a pair of semi-detached dwelling houses, Sundridge Hill – Date for decision extended to 25/10/2024 to account for a delay in a Highways specialist report – Noted.
c) MC/24/1989 – Construction of a single storey rear extension and conversion garage into habitable room – 12 Pilgrims Way Cuxton – Closing date 22/10/24.
Cllr Jensen proposed to make no objection. Seconded by Cllr Burley and agreed by unanimous vote.
d) MC/24/1798 – Construction of a detached dwelling, 2 Pilgrims way, Cuxton. Closing date 01/11/24
Cllr Wilson proposed to make no objection. Seconded by Cllr Jensen and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to make no objections on these planning matters.

91. Consideration of External Auditor’s Report for 2023-2024
Councillors considered the External Auditors report for 2023-2024 and noted its contents. Cllr Porter proposed to accept this report. This was seconded by Cllr Thorley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to receive and accept the External Auditor’s report for 2023/2024.

92. Civility & Respect Pledge – Code of Conduct
Councillors reviewed the NALC standard document and discussed its contents. Cllr Wilson proposed that this document be adopted as Cuxton Parish Council’s new Code of Conduct. This was seconded by Cllr White and agreed by unanimous vote. It was resolved to adopt the NALC standard Code of Conduct as the Parish Councils new Code of Conduct.

93. Recommendations from Land Management Committee Meeting
The Land Management committee made a series of recommendations including contacting the allotment landowner for ‘first refusal’ and liaising with village organisations about electrics installation in a container, fireworks night pavilion access and bike track cutting schedules. Additionally, it was recommended to accept a quote from Qualitree Services Ltd, for the Tar Tank Lane cherry tree removal and grinding, for £265+vat.
Cllr Thorley proposed to accept all recommendations. This was seconded by Cllr Chamberlain and agree by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept all recommendations for further investigations, that will be brought back to a subsequent meeting, and to accept a quote from Qualitree, for the Tar Tank Lane cherry tree removal and grinding, for £265+vat.

94. Boot Camp re-licencing Update
Cllrs reviewed the licencing documentation and were happy to relicense with alternative storage provision.

95. Remembrance arrangements
Cllr Thorley volunteered to attend the Remembrance service, in place of the Chairman, who is on holiday at the time. Cllr Nightingale also agreed to attend. They will lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. The clerk will notify the Rector.

96. Benches / Perch Seating – Update
The clerk shared an update from Medway Council regarding viability and a forthcoming quote for the James Road site. These will be brought to a forthcoming meeting.

97. Report of Meetings Attended on Behalf of Council
a. Police Liaison – Cllr Wilson gave a verbal report on her meeting where she had asked for increased police presence and spoke about village meetings. She reiterated that there is a feeling that Cuxton is a very low-crime area and Cllr Wilson wanted to remind all residents of the importance of reporting any and all incidents, to at least provide police with a clearer understanding of the scale and nature issues in the village.
b. KALC – (circulated via email)
c. Rural Liaison – None held since last meeting
d. Medway Council Climate Action Working Party – none held since last meeting
e. The Academy of Cuxton Schools – The clerk shared a report of the most recent meeting with the headteacher. Cllr Chamberlain asked for the clerk to discuss the traffic created by the nursery provision and the issues affecting bus routes on Harvest festival assembly day.

98. Correspondence
a. Resident query about Gold street bottling plant – This resident was in attendance and had discussed her points in the public session.
b. Request for benches – The clerk shared a request for additional seating in the recreation ground. Cllr Thorley proposed the clerk looks into costs. This was seconded by Cllr Chamberlain and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to investigate seating options and costs and bring this back to a future meeting.
c. Resident request about fencing – The clerk shared an emailed request. The clerk will investigate/ reinstate.
d. Gravesham walking route – This item was noted.
99. Information Exchange
The clerk informed councillors that:
• A response had been received from Medway Council Highways department about a project plan for improvements to Bush Road and that the Sustainable Transport team will be in touch to take this forward.
• One of the street cleaners was taking annual leave within the next week, with cover being provided by the other.
• A decision on the Lower Thames Crossing had been delayed until May 2025.
Councillors thanked Cllr Manning for his hard work and dedication in the event that this would be his last meeting.

The chairman closed the meeting at 8.39pm

Next meeting 21st November 2024, 7pm at Cuxton Library

Signed Matt Nightingale Chairman

On the 21st day of November 2024


Members Future Agenda Items

Benches /perch seating James road (SC)
Additional seating in the recreation ground
Registering community interest asset – (MN)
Social Media Accounts / Usage – (MN)
Civility and Respect Pledge