Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on:
Thursday, 21st November 2024 at 7pm at Cuxton Library
Present: Cllr Nightingale (Vice-chair) Cllr Burley, Cllr Vye, Cllr Thorley, Cllr Jensen, Cllr Porter, Cllr White, Cllr Wilson and Ward Councillor Filmer.
In attendance: Mrs N Jackson – Clerk
100. Apologies for absence
Cllr Chalker (Chair) – Cllr Nightingale chaired the meeting.
Cllr Chamberlain
101. Declarations of Interest (DPI, conflict of interest and personal interests) and alterations to the Register.
102. Minutes of the meeting held on 17th October 2024 – for approval
Cllr Porter proposed that the minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Wilson and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting on 17th October 2024.
103. Matters Arising
104. Medway Councillor’s Report and Public Session
• Ward Councillor Filmer gave a short verbal report on his work in the village, including some planning and highway matters.
• He offered to pay for the village Christmas tree using the Ward Improvement Fund.
• Cllrs asked him to ensure that James Road is considered a priority for resurfacing.
Cllr Filmer left the meeting.
105. Finance
a) Bank Balances
The clerk provided details of the bank balances. Cllr Burley confirmed that he had checked the accounting records against the statements, and all was correct.
b) Approval of payments made since last meeting
The clerk provided details of payments made throughout October. Cllr Thorley proposed that the balances and payments be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Jensen and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept the bank balances and payments for October.
c) Approval of accounts for payment
The clerk presented invoices from Cuxton Community Church for choir practice hire, and from Medway Norse for the Teenage Village painting. Cllr Nightingale proposed to pay these invoices. This was seconded by Cllr Thorley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to pay the invoices issued by Cuxton Community Church, for £60, and from Medway Norse, for £385.
106. Review Recommendations from the Finance Committee
a) Alterations to earmarked reserves
Cllrs reviewed and accepted the recommendations. Cllr Nightingale proposed to close the Bike track reserve and the CCTV reserve, transferring all funds to the Recreation Ground / Roundel Project reserve. This was seconded by Cllr Burley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to close the Bike Track (£5500) and CCTV (£4931) reserves and transfer all funds to the recreation ground / roundel project reserve.
b) Budget 2025/2026
Cllrs reviewed the budget allocations for each accounting code. Cllr Burley proposed to increase the amount allocated for allotment water from £800 to £1200. This was seconded by Cllr Wilson and agreed by unanimous vote. No further changes were suggested.
The budget was therefore slightly revised to a figure of £94,851 for the 2025/2026 year.
Cllr Vye proposed to accept the revised budget figure. This was seconded by Cllr Porter and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to set the budget for 2025/26 at £94,851.
c) Precept Demand 2025/2026
After considering the agreed budget and the anticipated income for 2025/2026, Cllr Burley proposed to make a precept demand of £62,016 for 2025/26. This was seconded by Cllr Thorley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to make a parish precept demand for 2025/26 as follows: “Cuxton Parish Council demand the sum of sixty-two thousand and sixteen pounds, £62,016.00, from Medway Council”
107. Planning Applications
No new or decided applications this month.
108. Consideration of the Casual Vacancy
a) Review of procedural progress
The clerk provided an update on actions taken since the resignation of Cllr Manning with regards to filling this vacancy, and a timeline for the next steps for information.
b) Review of Committee Membership
The clerk explained that Cllr Manning’s resignation has not created any concerns for the Finance or Land Management Committees due to their terms of reference. The staffing sub-committee however, is comprised of 4 members, so there is now a vacancy. Cllr Jensen volunteered to join this committee. Cllr Vye passed on Cllr Chamberlain’s offer to join this committee, in her absence. Cllr Jensen left the room while a vote was held to decide who would fill this vacancy.
Cllr Jensen received the majority vote of 6 councillors to 1 (Cllr Vye). Cllr Wilson proposed to accept Cllr Jensen as the new member of the staffing sub-committee. This was seconded by Cllr Burley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved that Cllr Jensen will fill the vacancy on the staffing sub-committee.
Cllr Jensen returned to the room.
109. To review quotations for pavilion shower repairs
The clerk presented three quotes for repairs to the pavilion showers. Cllr Burley proposed the quote from Romech Ltd be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr White and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to accept the quote from Romech Ltd, for £816, for the replacement of 4 showers in the pavilion.
110. To receive an update about perch seating
The clerk provided an update on the progress of both proposed sites. Cllr Nightingale proposed that local residents of both sites should now be contacted and asked for their opinions, without committing to a course of action until feedback has been obtained. This was seconded by Cllr Wilson and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to consult the residents neighbouring the proposed bench sites.
111. To receive an update about the cherry tree removal
The clerk provided a report from the owners of the pipeline under Tar Tank Lane. Following a site visit, Exolum have put conditions around stump grinding the dead Cherry Tree, due to its proximity to their pipeline. Cllr Porter proposed to proceed with the removal but not the stump grind. This was seconded by Cllr Jensen and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to proceed with the removal, but not the stump grind, of the dead cherry tree in Tar Tank Lane.
112. To receive an update about the Traffic Survey
The clerk confirmed receipt of one day’s worth of raw traffic survey data for the Bush Road / A228 junction. This was provided by a third party company on the understanding that it is confidential and cannot be shared by the Parish Council. To maintain this confidentiality, Cllr Thorley proposed to give the data to a single councillor, Cllr Burley, for review / report to council. This was seconded by Cllr Porter and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved that Cllr Burley only will review the raw traffic survey data.
113. Review of Bonfire Night / Remembrance events
The bonfire event was discussed and the clerk shared that the Wheel of Cuxton have agreed to fence the fire area with new, higher chestnut paling. This will ensure that the public are unable to access the area. They will be in touch with quantity / metreage requirements shortly. Cllr Nightingale proposed that Cllrs Chalker, Burley and Thorley be given delegated authority to approve the purchase of the new fencing before the next meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Jensen and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to give Cllrs Chalker, Burley and Thorley delegated authority to approve the replacement fencing purchase.
Cuxton’ s remembrance was also discussed with Cllrs Thorley and Nightingale giving a short report on the service and wreath laying. It was noted that the village displays were not as prominent as usual, with residents expressing their wishes to see more poppies and a more central / visible display. Cllr Porter proposed to offer to store the remembrance poppies until next year and discuss these items further at the next Land management Committee meeting. This was seconded Cllr Burley and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved to store the remembrance poppies and discuss remembrance displays further at the next Land management Committee meeting.
114. Planning / discussion of village events
Councillors discussed the recent good news of the missing person being found and measures to thank the police and KSAR for their help. They also discussed the tree lighting event, with the clerk giving a planning update. Cllr Thorley proposed to purchase the refreshments needed for the event and a Christmas gesture for the street cleaners and library staff team. This was seconded by Cllr Nightingale and agreed by unanimous vote.
It was resolved that Cllr Thorley will purchase the event refreshments and a Christmas gesture for the street cleaners and library staff team.
115. Report of Meetings Attended on Behalf of Council
a) Police Liaison
Cllr Wilson gave a verbal report including issues raised with the police, including parking on junctions and the speed limiter signage on Sundridge Hill not working. She asked the clerk to invite the police beat officers to the Big Lunch 2025.
b) Medway Council Climate Action Working Party
No meetings since last time.
116. Correspondence
a) Resident Proposal – The clerk provided details of a proposal made by a resident. Councillors discussed the matter and agreed that it will conflict with their ongoing, established plans in the future, so felt unable to support the proposal at this stage. Cllr Nightingale proposed that the clerk will notify the resident of this decision. This was seconded by Cllr Wilson and agreed by unanimous vote.
b) Kalc Update – Provided for information
c) CPRE Request – Provided for information
117. Information Exchange
• A local NNR meeting was held that CPC was not invited to, the clerk is trying to get a summary.
• The KALC AGM is on 30th November
• Mr Bourner has provided the list of materials needed for the rock snake – the clerk to purchase.
• The boot camp operative is coming to view her new storage area which needs to be cleared asap.
• Cuxton files have been identified by the closure of Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) and may need to be collected or destroyed. More information to follow.
• Proposals have been made for the maintenance of the Brockles bench.
• Plots of land are being auctioned on Bluebell Hill
The chairman closed the meeting at 9.11pm
Next meeting 19th December 2024, 7pm at Cuxton Library
Signed G Chalker Chairman
On the 19th day of December 2024
Members Future Agenda Items
Registering community interest asset – (MN) 2025
Social Media Accounts / Usage – (MN)
Bike Track Maintenance
Civility & Respect: Dignity at Work Policy
.gov.uk domain
Perch seating
Additional Park Benches
Brockles Bench
Tree Lighting Event
Grant funding outcome