
Village Services Survey

The Parish Council have previously asked Cuxton Residents what services they would like to see in the village and at that time you requested a café with parking, public access toilets, and a meeting space for clubs, amongst other things.

These facilities could be provided in the Pavilion building, in the recreation ground, if the space was redeveloped/extended. A plan was developed that demolished the small ‘roundel’ building and extended the main structure out into that space.

In early January, the parish council applied for a substantial grant from the Football Foundation and we hope to find out if we were successful in April. We could also contribute the money in our reserves to help meet the costs of such a project. However, due to recent price increases for materials and building work, there is likely to be some shortfall based on the original plans that the council had drawn up.

CPC have been working with specialists to get a better idea of costs/ feasibility but we would like to ask your opinion of the project in principle, at this stage. Please click on the link below to have your say in our short survey.

Village Services Survey (Google Survey)