Cuxton Parish Council began participating in the KALC Awards in 2019, as a way to recognise the contributions of some fantastic individuals, to the community as a whole. The winner each year is invited to the Annual Parish Meeting to receive their award.
KALC Awards
On 11 November, the Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC) launched its seventh KALC Community Awards Scheme, inviting nominations for selfless individuals from across the county, who make significant contributions to their communities. The scheme is supported by the High Sheriff of Kent, Kent County Council and Medway Council.
Nominations are invited from Parish, Town and Community Councils and Parish Meetings (Local Councils) for people living or working within their boundary. The Local Councils make their own decisions about how they want to identify those who have made a significant contribution to the local community and there are no pre-determined criteria for what the contribution to the community might be.
The Awards Scheme has proved very successful since it was originally launched in 2013. Among last year’s winners were volunteers who had spent many years organising village activities, serving on local community groups and local charities, caring for elderly and lonely people, improving the local war memorial, arranging the WWI memorial service, helping keep the community tidy, fundraising activities, arranging medical visits, shopping, gardening, maintenance and coffee mornings, planning and installing a new playground, local church warden, providing community transport, restoring public parkland and orchard, helping young people, Scouts and Girl Guides.
The winners will receive a certificate signed by the High Sheriff of Kent, KCC Chairman/Mayor of Medway and the KALC Chairman.