
Kent Police & Crime Commissioner Newsletter – Victim Voice Special Edition

The Police & Crime Commissioner wants to
encourage people to be aware of victims’ rights.
It’s one of the recommendations that came out of his
work into Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).
You can download the pamphlet, which includes advice
and contact details for victims here via the QR code
Matthew Scott said,
“I have decided to create this Victim Voice Initiative to
collate the information in one place, and to raise awareness
about victims’ rights.
Victims have repeatedly told me they feel their voice is not
heard and that they feel reporting a crime does not lead to
appropriate action by the criminal justice system.
I want people to feel confident that when they report crime,
they get the information and support they deserve, and are
legally entitled to.”
If you would like to do more to support victims, this
pamphlet will help you understand the process and
provide you with useful information.



Special edition Newsletter – Victim Voice