
M20 Moveable Barrier: project update

As we reach the completion of the M20 Moveable Barrier scheme, I wanted to update you on the final stages of the work which will be taking place after the M20 Brock contraflow is demobilised on 20 August.

Most of the work has now been completed, but we need some lane and overnight closures to finish the few activities which are left – some of which have been delayed from Spring.

When Brock is deactivated, we will leave the moveable barrier out until early September so we can work behind it. This enables us to remove the existing white lines and reconfigure the new lane layouts, which are needed now the moveable barrier will sit in the central reservation. We aim to have all the white lining done over the course of 10 days. You’ll find exact dates for this and other remaining work, including locations and provisional dates, in the table below;

M20 Moveable Barrier – work and remaining restrictions

Activity / location and length Duration of work Roadwork layout Quick Moveable Barrier
London-bound M20, junctions 9 to 8.

Removal of existing road markings and laying new road markings in the new lane configuration

13 Days

20 August – 1 September.

Two out of four lanes will remain open on the London bound carriageway.

50mph speed restriction will be in place

In use
London-bound M20, junctions 9 to 8.

Transferring all the moveable barrier into the central reservation.

1 Day

2 September


Full London bound closure overnight on Saturday from 20:00 to 6:00am Sunday. Once these works have been completed road will reopen with no speed restrictions. Being Moved
London-bound M20, junction 8 towards 7.

approximately 1.5 miles in length.


Removal and replacement of current material within the central reservation and sign works.

40 Days

11 September – 21 October

Two out of four lanes will remain open on the London bound carriageway. One lane will be closed on the coast bound carriageway.

50mph speed restriction past the works will be in place

Not Used
London-bound, just past the junction 9 entry slip road.

approximately 1 mile in length.

Surfacing and kerb work.

32 Days

14 September – 16 October

Two out of four lanes on the London bound carriageway will be open just past junction 9.

50mph speed restriction will be in place past the works area.

Not Used
Coastbound, just before junction 9.

approximately 500 metres in length.

Removal of crushed concrete and replacing it with filter material.

15 Days

7 October –

22 October

Two out of four lanes on the London bound carriageway will be open.

50mph speed restriction will be in place past the works area.

Not Used
London-bound, just after Junction 9.

approximately 3km long.

Installation of gate in central reservation

16 Days

20 October – 5 November

Two lanes will remain open in each direction.

50mph speed restriction will be in place past the works area.


Not Used


Unfortunately, due to the location and nature of the remaining works, they cannot be undertaken overnight. Weather permitting, all 24/7 lane closures should be completed in early November, with the remainder of the works taking place overnight only throughout November.

As ever, our dates can be subject to change. You can check the National Highways closure report which is updated daily with the latest information:


The latest closure information can also be found on our Twitter feed, Facebook page, and the traffic information pages of our website at

If your office would like any further information, please contact the Project Manager, Gary Jeans, who’ll be pleased to respond. Gary can be contacted by email at Alternatively, our correspondence address is Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ.


National Highways Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 |National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF | |

Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ