Reminder – Residents have until Friday 22nd September 2023 to send their representations to Medway Council for the Parking Places and Waiting Restrictions Amendment Order, details as below.
Medway Council (Various Areas) (Parking Places and Waiting Restrictions) (Amendment no.8) Order 2023
Medway Council proposes to make the above-mentioned Order. The general effect of the Amendment Order will be to introduce lengths of No Waiting at any time (double yellow lines except where otherwise stated) in roads as below:
1) Bush Road – South side, 23m single yellow line (No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-5pm) opposite James Rd junction, outside Nos. 47,49 and 51.
2) James Road – Both Sides, extend the double yellow lines northwards by 7.7 metres from Bush Road
3) The Glebe – South side, 15m eastwards from No. 27 in front of the private land/garages
4) Wood Street – East side, 8.2m length northwards from Woodhurst Close to No 11
5) Woodhurst Close – North side, 20.1m length eastwards from Wood Street, outside No. 11
Any objections or other representations about the proposed Order should be sent in writing by email to TROconsult@medway.gov.uk or by post to ‘Parking Design Team, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR by Friday 22nd September 2023 stating name, address and grounds for objection or support.