‘Your Medway: Your Future: Your Say’
Have you heard of the Local Plan? It’s an important document that sets out the strategy for how Medway Council will meet the growth needs of Medway up to 2040, whilst protecting the environment and acting on climate change.
Topics that a Local Plan would cover include housing, employment, improved facilities such as schools, health centres and shops as well as better access to green spaces including parks and play areas. It also identifies where development should take place and areas where it should be restricted to protect what is special about the area, such as important heritage and nature.
The plan will also have the right infrastructure in place to support development, such as new and improved roads, transport services and other provisions to ensure Medway can grow sustainably. It’s also importantly about protecting the places you love. Ultimately it’s about trying to make every resident feels proud to call Medway their home, while helping the next generation of Medway residents to enjoy living in our towns and villages.
This consultation does not detail policies or identify those sites preferred by the council for new development. That detail will come in the next stage of work on the Local Plan, which the council will publish next year.
All of these things can help develop sustainable communities and make Medway an even greater place to live, work, learn and visit for years to come. The council is committed to getting a new Local Plan in place for autumn 2025 which will look at where this growth should take place.
Our local community is being encouraged to play a part in helping to shape the vision of the plan. Now is your chance to get involved and have your say on the key themes and vision that should make up the new Local Plan.
You can take part in the consultation between Monday, 18 September and Tuesday, 31 October.
- To take part online, visit the consultation hub – link to https://medway.oc2.uk/document/13
- Find out more including public events that will be taking place during October – link to https://www.medway.gov.uk/futuremedway
- Watch Medway Council’s information video on the Local Plan – link to https://youtu.be/5-Ah61PZXRg