“Medway Council is developing a new Council Plan 2024-2028. This is an important document as it sets out the council’s vision, ambitions and priorities for the coming four years to ensure the best outcomes for residents, businesses and communities of Medway and make Medway a great place to live, work, learn and visit.
It is more than just a set of promises, it also sets out the type of place Medway wants to be, how we will get there and the values that will guide us to get there.
It is called the One Medway Council Plan to reflect the ambition we have to work with everyone in Medway to help us move forward together to achieve our ambition.
We have set out five key priorities for the coming years:
- Delivering quality social care and community services
- Benefitting from good education opportunities, quality jobs and a growing economy
- Enjoying clean, green, safe, and connected communities
- Improving health and wellbeing services for all
- Ensuring there are good quality, affordable homes for people to live in.
A number of sub-priorities support each priority.
We want to ensure that the plan reflects the priorities of everyone in Medway and are now seeking the views of local people and our partners on the proposed priorities and sub-priorities.
We would like to invite you and your parish members to take part in this consultation by completing this online questionnaire here.
We also have copies available in our libraries and leisure centres. Please do take the time to share your views before 11 February. The final plan will launch later this year.”